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ISO 9001 Accreditation for 2019

January 24, 2019
Neil Barrall

I am delighted to announce that Telecoms World has been successful in obtaining ISO 9001 accreditation again this year.

We are measured against our senior management’s commitment to quality, our customer focus, adequacy of our resources, employee competence, process management, quality planning, monitoring and measurement of our processes and products, and processes to resolve customer complaints. Ensuring quality in innovation and the service we provide is paramount and is at the heart of everything we do.

It is widely acknowledged that proper quality management improves business, often having a positive effect on investment, market share, sales growth, sales margins, competitive advantage, and avoidance of legal action. Implementing ISO 9001 has given Telecoms World the following advantages:

•  Creating a more efficient, effective operation

•  Increased customer satisfaction and retention

•  Reduced audits

•  Enhancing our marketing

•  Improving employee motivation, awareness, and morale

•  Promoting international trade

Over one million organisations worldwide are independently certified, making ISO 9001 one of the most widely used management tools in the world today. Achieving certification to this international standard gives assurance to our customers of our continued commitment to quality of which we are extremely proud.

This standard reinforces Telecoms World’s commitment to delivering the highest quality of service, a strong customer focus, the motivation of senior management, process control and commitment to continual improvement.

Telecoms World has been successful in obtaining ISO 9001 accreditation again this year.