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Donation for Demelza Hospice Care for Children

December 19, 2017
Nicola Amis

Earlier this year, we announced that Telecoms
World are proud to officially support
Demelza Hospice Care for Children for
2017 with an initial donation of £500.

Since then we have sponsored the creation
of their 2018 diary and our very own Jenna Noble participated in a white-collar
boxing match to raise over £450 for the charity. Today we presented the hospice
with a cheque for £1000 to support their ongoing work.

Demelza Hospice Care

Demelza Hospice Care for Children is a
charity in the south east of the UK, providing vital care to hundreds of
families across South East London, Kent and East Sussex in the family home or
in their hospices in Kent and Eltham.

We were taken on a tour of the building and
saw all of the fantastic features available to children and their families in
need. For those who either stay at the hospice or who visit for the day;
Demelza has thought of everything to make the experience for the children and
their families memorable, fun and also relaxing. They have also recently
re-opened after a short closure when
built a much needed extension
to their building. Creating a larger space for reception, staff, and families as
well freeing up another bedroom.

As a charity, not part of the NHS, Demelza
is reliant on fundraising, donations and gifts in Wills to raise over
£10.5million needed every year to provide care to seriously ill children and
their family. Donations enable Demelza to provide expert and compassionate care
to seriously ill babies, children and young people and their families when they
need it the most. Enabling families to stay and play together; creating
precious moments and happy memories. And if time is tragically cut short,
they're still there - to help ease the family's fear and anxiety and move
forward from their loss. Whatever it takes, they're here.

This year over 160 families have used
Demelza SEL, their hospice in Eltham, for a range of specialist services, such
as day care, respite, symptom control and end-of-life care and family support
services. Caring for children, young people and their families both at their
hospice, in the community, and in hospital and continue to work closely with
Evelina London Children’s Hospital, where they have a specialist Demelza nurse
in post.

Any and all donations allow their team of
expert nurses to provide incredible care in the comfort and safety of their
hospice in Kent; surrounded by specialist staff, equipment and facilities, like
the multi-sensory room. A safe haven for children where they can relax and have
the experience of sounds, lights and touch. Without the support of donations
like ours and yours, Demelza simply wouldn't be able to provide their
incredible care. To donate to Demelza Hospice Care please follow the donate link